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【资料名称】: 【2下载币】ssp初中英语网络课外刊阅读精讲直播课程班视频课「第1期」视频课程

chuzhongyingyu SOUKE9883


├──1 Wikipedia Vandals

| ├──1 Wikipedia Vandals.wmv 171.33M

| ├──1-L1 Wikipedia Vandals (学生版文章).pdf 148.28kb

| ├──2-L1 Wikipedia Vandals (教师版文章).pdf 2.24M

| ├──3-L1 Wikipedia Vandals (笔记整理).pdf 231.21kb

| ├──4-L1 Wikipedia Vandals (课后练习).pdf 120.25kb

| ├──5-L1 Wikipedia Vandals (参考答案).pdf 71.62kb

| └──6-L1 Wikipedia, the Father of Crowdsourcing(拓展阅读).pdf 164.65kb

├──2 Farming on the Rise

| ├──1 L2 Farming on the Rise(学生版文章).pdf 210.83kb

| ├──2 Farming on the Rise.mp4 191.33M

| ├──2 L2 Farming on the Rise(教师版文章).pdf 1.95M

| ├──3 L2 Farming on the Rise (笔记整理).pdf 233.30kb

| ├──4 L2 Farming on the Rise (课后练习).pdf 119.83kb

| ├──5 L2 Farming on the Rise (参考答案).pdf 51.15kb

| └──6 L2 Growing Vertical Skyscraper Farming (拓展阅读).pdf 174.98kb

├──3 How effective is sponsorship in sport

| ├──2 L3 How effective is sponsorship in sport (教师版文章).pdf 672.94kb

| ├──3 How effective is sponsorship in sport.wmv 163.82M

| ├──3 L3 How Effective is Sponsorship in Sports (笔记整理).pdf 247.36kb

| ├──4 L3 How Effective is Sponsorship in Sport (课后练习).pdf 112.79kb

| ├──5 L3 How Effective is Sponsorship in Sport (参考答案).pdf 77.54kb

| └──6 L3 What do the Olympics mean for sport sponsorship (拓展阅读).pdf 150.13kb

├──4 Australian Bushfires Threaten Animals

| ├──1 L4 Australian Bushfires Threaten Animals (学生版文章).pdf 234.94kb

| ├──2 L4 Australian Bushfires Threaten Animals (教师版文章).pdf 1.56M

| ├──3 L4 Australian Bushfires Threaten Animals (笔记整理).pdf 131.67kb

| ├──4 Australian Bushfires Threaten Animals.wmv 160.82M

| ├──4 L4 Australian Bushfires Threaten Animals (课后练习).pdf 97.93kb

| ├──5 L4 Australian Bushfires Threaten Animals (参考答案).pdf 51.06kb

| └──6 L4 Most Australians Don’t Spend a Lot of Time Thinking About the Bush (拓展阅读).pdf 163.46kb

├──5 Palau Blocks Sunscreens to Save Coral Reefs

| ├──1 L5 Palau Blocks Sunscreens to Save Coral Reefs (学生版文章).pdf 188.96kb

| ├──2 L5 Palau Blocks Sunscreens to Save Coral Reefs (教师版文章).pdf 588.62kb

| ├──3 L5 Palau Blocks Sunscreens to Save Coral Reefs (笔记整理).pdf 138.42kb

| ├──4 L5 Palau Blocks Sunscreens to Save Coral Reefs (课后练习).pdf 92.83kb

| ├──5 L5 Palau Blocks Sunscreens to Save Coral Reefs (参考答案).pdf 52.13kb

| ├──5 Palau Blocks Sunscreens to Save Coral Reefs.wmv 150.33M

| └──6 L5 Hawaii Is Set to Become the First State to Ban Sunscreens Harmful to Coral Reefs (拓展阅读)(1).pdf 111.65kb

├──6 Say hello to the lid

| ├──1 L6 Say Hello to the Lid (学生版文章).pdf 158.77kb

| ├──2 L6 Say Hello to the Lid (教师版文章).pdf 1.82M

| ├──3 L6 Say Hello to the Lid (笔记整理).pdf 198.05kb

| ├──4 L6 Say Hello to the Lid (课后练习).pdf 71.85kb

| ├──5 L6 Say Hello to the Lid (参考答案).pdf 66.87kb

| ├──6 L6 How The German Pfand System Works(拓展阅读).pdf 129.35kb

| └──6 Say hello to the lid.wmv 190.92M

├──7 Fighting Food Ads

| ├──1 L7 Fighting Food Ads (学生版文章).pdf 162.48kb

| ├──2 L7 Fighting Food Ads (教师版文章).pdf 340.39kb

| ├──3 L7 Fighting Food Ads (笔记整理).pdf 163.97kb

| ├──4 L7 Fighting Food Ads (课后练习).pdf 93.25kb

| ├──5 L7 Fighting Food Ads (参考答案)-勘误版.pdf 78.44kb

| ├──6 L7 Dear fast food chains Please stop giving our kids free toys (拓展阅读).pdf 235.56kb

| └──7 Fighting Food Ads.wmv 174.29M

├──8 Tech for Trees

| ├──1 L8 Tech for Trees (学生版文章).pdf 153.82kb

| ├──2 L8 Tech for Trees (教师版文章).pdf 384.50kb

| ├──3 L8 Tech for Trees (笔记整理).pdf 146.35kb

| ├──4 L8 Tech for Trees (课后练习).pdf 118.54kb

| ├──5 L8 Tech for Trees (参考答案).pdf 109.53kb

| ├──6 L8 How deforestation shares the blame for the Ebola epidemic (拓展阅读).pdf 149.98kb

| └──8 Tech for Trees.wmv 260.60M

└──初中英语外刊阅读精讲直播课(文章-学生完整版).pdf 866.15kb


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