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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

2022-3-25 18:12:37 |
【资料名称】: 【2下载币】雪梨精品课网络课堂升级版三合一「自然拼读+音标+发音规则」

xiaoxueyingyu SOUKE7648



| └──1.雪梨老师赠送课程

├──1.【主课】自然拼读 — 26个字母发音

| ├──1.Lesson 1 Aa Bb Cc.mp4 126.63M

| ├──10.Lesson 10 Mm Nn Oo 单词拓展.mp4 194.98M

| ├──11.Lesson 11 Pp Qq Rr.mp4 119.69M

| ├──12.Lesson 12 Pp Qq Rr 单词拓展.mp4 165.41M

| ├──13.Lesson 13 Ss Tt Uu Vv.mp4 155.57M

| ├──14.Lesson 14 Ss Tt Uu Vv单词拓展.mp4 185.01M

| ├──15.Lesson 15 Ww Xx Yy Zz.mp4 170.19M

| ├──16.Lesson 16 Ww Xx Yy Zz 单词拓展.mp4 211.01M

| ├──2.Lesson 2 Aa Bb Cc 单词拓展.mp4 122.66M

| ├──3.Lesson 3 Dd Ee Ff.mp4 117.65M

| ├──4.Lesson 4 Dd Ee Ff 单词拓展.mp4 162.74M

| ├──5.Lesson 5 Gg Hh Ii.mp4 123.20M

| ├──6.Lesson 6 Gg Hh Ii 单词拓展.mp4 156.49M

| ├──7.Lesson 7 Jj Kk Ll.mp4 114.64M

| ├──8.Lesson 8 Jj Kk Ll 单词拓展.mp4 152.39M

| └──9.Lesson 9 Mm Nn Oo.mp4 146.60M

├──2.【主课】自然拼读 — 短音组合

| ├──17.Lesson 17 ad ag am.mp4 213.48M

| ├──18.Lesson 18 an ap at.mp4 211.80M

| ├──19.Lesson 19 ig in ip.mp4 246.11M

| ├──20.Lesson 20 it ix id.mp4 214.68M

| ├──21.Lesson 21 ug un ut.mp4 212.81M

| ├──22.Lesson 22 ub ud um up.mp4 212.89M

| ├──23.Lesson 23 ed en et.mp4 225.81M

| ├──24.Lesson 24 og ot ox.mp4 178.11M

| └──25.Lesson 25 短元音复习.mp4 191.96M

├──3.【主课】自然拼读 — 长音组合

| ├──26.Lesson 26 a_e.mp4 203.95M

| ├──27.Lesson 27 i_e.mp4 227.11M

| ├──28.Lesson 28 o_e.mp4 208.70M

| ├──29.Lesson 29 u_e.mp4 150.55M

| ├──30.Lesson 30 e_e.mp4 162.23M

| ├──31.Lesson 31 ai ay.mp4 208.12M

| ├──32.Lesson 32 ee ea.mp4 134.32M

| ├──33.Lesson 33 y ey.mp4 152.08M

| ├──34.Lesson 34 ie igh y.mp4 177.10M

| ├──35.Lesson 35 oa ow.mp4 249.41M

| ├──36.Lesson 36 ew ue.mp4 205.07M

| └──37.Lesson 37 ui oo.mp4 215.78M

├──4.【主课】自然拼读 — 辅音字母组合

| ├──38.Lesson 38 bl cl pl.mp4 223.08M

| ├──39.Lesson 39 fl gl sl.mp4 213.87M

| ├──40.Lesson 40 pr br cr gr.mp4 242.08M

| ├──41.Lesson 41 fr tr dr.mp4 204.51M

| ├──42.Lesson 42 sm sn sw str.mp4 190.02M

| ├──43.Lesson 43 sp st sk sc.mp4 189.81M

| ├──44.Lesson 44 sh ph th.mp4 295.86M

| ├──45.Lesson 45 wh gh ch tch.mp4 248.83M

| ├──46.Lesson 46 ck qu.mp4 146.26M

| └──47.Lesson 47 soft c, g.mp4 220.60M

├──5.【主课】自然拼读 — 元音字母组合

| ├──48.Lesson 48 ar.mp4 218.55M

| ├──49.Lesson 49 ir ur.mp4 238.87M

| ├──50.Lesson 50 or er.mp4 222.96M

| ├──51.Lesson 51 oi oy.mp4 184.48M

| ├──52.Lesson 52 ou ow.mp4 220.62M

| ├──53.Lesson 53 air ear are.mp4 216.97M

| ├──54.Lesson 54 eer ere ear.mp4 163.91M

| └──55.Lesson 55 au aw al all.mp4 245.83M

├──6.【主课】自然拼读 — 特殊辅音字群及音节

| ├──56.Lesson 56 mb kn wr.mp4 264.02M

| ├──57.Lesson 57 sure ture.mp4 187.44M

| ├──58.Lesson 58 tion cian sion.mp4 215.18M

| ├──59.Lesson 59 ous ful.mp4 278.87M

| ├──60.Lesson 60 sestsds.mp4 300.70M

| ├──61.Lesson 61 ng nk.mp4 208.25M

| ├──62.Lesson 62 音节划分 上.mp4 194.84M

| ├──63.Lesson 63 音节划分 下.mp4 176.09M

| ├──64.Lesson 64 开闭音节.mp4 163.79M

| ├──65.Lesson 65 重读音节.mp4 196.01M

| └──66.Lesson 66 元音弱读.mp4 117.35M

├──7.【主课】国际音标 — 元音

| ├──1.Lesson 1 前元音 [?].mp4 93.68M

| ├──10.Lesson 10 双元音 [a?] [??].mp4 58.73M

| ├──11.Lesson 11 双元音 [e?] [??].mp4 72.33M

| ├──12.Lesson 12 双元音 [??] [??].mp4 52.82M

| ├──13.Lesson 13 双元音综合练习.mp4 92.82M

| ├──2.Lesson 2 前元音 [?][e].mp4 50.76M

| ├──3.Lesson 3 前元音综合练习.mp4 51.42M

| ├──4.Lesson 4 中元音 [?] [?] [?].mp4 56.77M

| ├──5.Lesson 5 中元音综合练习.mp4 58.11M

| ├──6.Lesson 6 后元音 [?].mp4 40.12M

| ├──7.Lesson 7 后元音 [a] [?] [?].mp4 48.91M

| ├──8.Lesson 8 后元音综合练习.mp4 54.19M

| └──9.Lesson 9 双元音 [a?] [e?].mp4 71.70M

├──8.【主课】国际音标 — 辅音

| ├──14.Lesson 14 爆破音[p][t][d][k][g].mp4 85.67M

| ├──15.Lesson 15 爆破音综合练习.mp4 120.49M

| ├──16.Lesson 16 摩擦音[f] [v].mp4 85.46M

| ├──17.Lesson 17 摩擦音[z].mp4 69.66M

| ├──18.Lesson 18 摩擦音[θ] [e].mp4 49.57M

| ├──19.Lesson 19 摩擦音[∫] [?].mp4 69.99M

| ├──20.Lesson 20 摩擦音 [h].mp4 56.96M

| ├──21.Lesson 21 舌边音 [l].mp4 63.88M

| ├──22.Lesson 22 舌边音 [r].mp4 65.50M

| ├──23.Lesson 23 鼻辅音 [m] [n] [?].mp4 94.68M

| ├──24.Lesson 24 塞擦音 [t∫] [d?].mp4 63.29M

| ├──25.Lesson 25 塞擦音 [tr] [dr] [ts] [dz].mp4 80.95M

| └──26.Lesson 26 半元音[w][j].mp4 50.33M


| ├──27.Lesson 27 特殊的 [t].mp4 126.91M

| ├──28.Lesson 28 辅元连读(tr+元音).mp4 69.01M

| ├──29.Lesson 29 辅元连读(nl+元音).mp4 49.91M

| ├──30.Lesson 30 辅元连读综合练习.mp4 57.33M

| ├──31.Lesson 31 辅辅连读(叠合、失爆).mp4 86.75M

| ├──32.Lesson 32 辅辅连读(击穿).mp4 50.07M

| ├──33.Lesson 33 辅辅连读综合练习.mp4 81.52M

| ├──34.Lesson 34 元元连读(wj).mp4 82.56M

| ├──35.Lesson 35 特殊连读-音变(tds+y).mp4 43.86M

| ├──36.Lesson 36 单词音节与重音.mp4 125.45M

| ├──37.Lesson 37 短语、句子重音.mp4 81.49M

| ├──38.Lesson 38 弱读与略读.mp4 170.90M

| ├──39.Lesson 39 句子的语调.mp4 105.61M

| └──40.Lesson 40 规则综合运用.mp4 159.51M


| ├──1.At the Market.mp4 13.87M

| ├──10.My Family 1.mp4 18.72M

| ├──11.My Family 2.mp4 18.72M

| ├──12.Mouse 1.mp4 17.90M

| ├──13.Mouse 2.mp4 17.90M

| ├──14.Mop 1.mp4 19.50M

| ├──15.Mop 2.mp4 19.50M

| ├──16.Mom.mp4 14.95M

| ├──17.Dad.mp4 14.54M

| ├──18.At the Zoo.mp4 13.99M

| ├──19.On the... School.mp4 14.16M

| ├──2.Rex.mp4 14.36M

| ├──20.The Park.mp4 13.18M

| ├──21.Tom.mp4 14.20M

| ├──22.I Can Read.mp4 13.71M

| ├──23.Baby.mp4 12.73M

| ├──24.Playing Dress Up.mp4 12.17M

| ├──25.Little Cub.mp4 14.81M

| ├──26.My Room.mp4 13.82M

| ├──27.The Baby.mp4 12.26M

| ├──28.Go Sledding.mp4 14.20M

| ├──29.Making a Snowman.mp4 14.33M

| ├──3.Funny Things.mp4 11.69M

| ├──30.My Lunch.mp4 13.70M

| ├──31.Toys.mp4 14.15M

| ├──32.Little Things.mp4 8.17M

| ├──33.Packing My Bag.mp4 14.18M

| ├──34.Setting ...Table.mp4 13.27M

| ├──35.The Flower.mp4 14.31M

| ├──36.Playing Together.mp4 12.34M

| ├──37.Polly.mp4 13.47M

| ├──38.At the Farm.mp4 14.12M

| ├──39.The Sidewalk.mp4 14.38M

| ├──4.Baby Animals 1.mp4 14.27M

| ├──40.The Hat.mp4 13.67M

| ├──5.Baby Animals 2.mp4 14.27M

| ├──6.Over the River.mp4 11.62M

| ├──7.My Big Bear 1.mp4 16.79M

| ├──8.My Big Bear 2.mp4 16.79M

| └──9.Making Soup.mp4 13.78M


| ├──A Visit from Aunt Bee.mp4 16.33M

| ├──Animals That Go Fast 1.mp4 19.89M

| ├──Animals That Go Fast 2.mp4 19.89M

| ├──At School.mp4 14.08M

| ├──At the Pond.mp4 13.86M

| ├──Baking.mp4 15.47M

| ├──Birds.mp4 14.21M

| ├──Drawing.mp4 14.35M

| ├──Flap Flap Fly 1.mp4 23.53M

| ├──Flap Flap Fly 2.mp4 23.53M

| ├──Fun at School.mp4 13.74M

| ├──Getting Ready.mp4 12.90M

| ├──Going on a Train Ride 2.mp4 19.72M

| ├──Going on a Train Ride.mp4 19.72M

| ├──Going on Vacation.mp4 14.28M

| ├──Helping 1.mp4 18.23M

| ├──Helping 2.mp4 18.23M

| ├──Hiding.mp4 9.12M

| ├──Hop, Hop, Hop.mp4 13.55M

| ├──Making a Pizza.mp4 14.30M

| ├──My Baby Sister.mp4 13.87M

| ├──My Bear.mp4 14.98M

| ├──My Big Brother 1.mp4 18.28M

| ├──My Big Brother 2.mp4 18.28M

| ├──Our Pets 1.mp4 25.49M

| ├──Our Pets 2.mp4 25.49M

| ├──Out to Play 1.mp4 17.85M

| ├──Out to Play 2.mp4 17.85M

| ├──Painting.mp4 11.60M

| ├──Play and Ride 1.mp4 18.18M

| ├──Play and Ride 2.mp4 18.18M

| ├──Playing with Blocks 1.mp4 19.73M

| ├──Playing with Blocks 2.mp4 19.73M

| ├──Rain 1.mp4 20.38M

| ├──Rain 2.mp4 20.38M

| ├──So Big 1.mp4 17.95M

| ├──So Big 2.mp4 17.95M

| ├──Spots.mp4 13.96M

| ├──The Parade.mp4 14.38M

| ├──The Pet Store.mp4 8.44M

| ├──The Play.mp4 13.29M

| ├──The Puppet Show.mp4 15.01M

| ├──The Show.mp4 15.43M

| ├──Things That Go Fast.mp4 14.93M

| ├──What Is Very Long 1.mp4 21.18M

| ├──What Is Very Long 2.mp4 21.18M

| └──Wheels.mp4 14.60M


| ├──A Day at the Park.mp4 20.61M

| ├──Ant Can't 1.mp4 26.12M

| ├──Ant Can't 2.mp4 26.12M

| ├──Ant Can't 3.mp4 26.12M

| ├──At the Park.mp4 8.07M

| ├──Boots and Shoes.mp4 18.44M

| ├──Bubbles.mp4 15.00M

| ├──Eggs .mp4 22.42M

| ├──Family Pictures.mp4 14.19M

| ├──Flying.mp4 13.91M

| ├──Friends 1.mp4 15.17M

| ├──Friends 2.mp4 15.17M

| ├──Frog Food.mp4 14.07M

| ├──Getting Dressed.mp4 7.23M

| ├──Jesse.mp4 15.06M

| ├──Jump.mp4 13.78M

| ├──Looking for Taco.mp4 21.31M

| ├──Mom and Kayla.mp4 18.05M

| ├──Monkey.mp4 14.14M

| ├──My Bath.mp4 15.19M

| ├──My New School.mp4 14.60M

| ├──My Puppy.mp4 14.30M

| ├──Oh, No!.mp4 13.80M

| ├──Orson's Tummy Ache.mp4 14.23M

| ├──Our Garden.mp4 14.18M

| ├──Sam and Papa 1.mp4 14.44M

| ├──Sam and Papa 2.mp4 14.44M

| ├──Smells.mp4 14.15M

| ├──Swim.mp4 13.78M

| ├──The Farmers.mp4 15.43M

| ├──The New Puppy.mp4 6.87M

| ├──The Painter.mp4 14.22M

| ├──The Very Busy Hen.mp4 24.40M

| ├──Too Much Stuff 1.mp4 17.91M

| ├──Too Much Stuff 2.mp4 17.91M

| ├──Traffic.mp4 14.73M

| ├──Waking Up 1.mp4 11.79M

| ├──Waking Up 2.mp4 11.79M

| ├──Where Things Grow.mp4 18.08M

| └──Woof!.mp4 13.87M


| ├──A Rainy Day.mp4 14.18M

| ├──Apple Pie.mp4 13.93M

| ├──Clouds.mp4 14.05M

| ├──Homes.mp4 20.59M

| ├──Kate's Truck.mp4 20.94M

| ├──Look!.mp4 13.75M

| ├──Meli on the Stairs.mp4 20.01M

| ├──My Friend.mp4 6.40M

| ├──Play Ball!.mp4 18.58M

| ├──Snap!.mp4 13.95M

| ├──Talent Show.mp4 42.99M

| ├──The Good Dog.mp4 5.78M

| ├──The Picnic.mp4 14.44M

| ├──The Puppets.mp4 19.16M

| ├──The Sky.mp4 13.00M

| ├──The Surprise.mp4 34.42M

| ├──The Three Bears.mp4 25.61M

| ├──The Three Pigs.mp4 23.01M

| ├──Time for Lunch.mp4 25.74M

| ├──Trucks.mp4 17.70M

| ├──Up in a Tree.mp4 25.29M

| └──What Am I.mp4 5.79M


| ├──A Box.mp4 24.24M

| ├──A Visit to the City.mp4 15.63M

| ├──A Walk with Meli.mp4 24.65M

| ├──Baby Pictures.mp4 33.40M

| ├──Books.mp4 23.72M

| ├──Bunny and the Monster.mp4 27.90M

| ├──Farmer Dan's Ducks.mp4 29.17M

| ├──Pets.mp4 19.04M

| ├──Pictures of Hugs.mp4 32.69M

| ├──The Big Storm.mp4 26.74M

| ├──The Pool.mp4 29.09M

| ├──The Soccer Game.mp4 45.93M

| └──Three Little Pigs and a Big Bad Wolf.mp4 56.91M


| ├──Goldie and the Three Bears.mp4 62.09M

| └──My Five Senses.mp4 28.21M


| ├──Are You Sleeping Brother John.mp4 32.44M

| ├──Baa Baa Black Sheep.mp4 34.65M

| ├──Baby Shark.mp4 31.12M

| ├──Bath Song.mp4 37.28M

| ├──Bingo Cocomelon.mp4 39.60M

| ├──Down by the Bay.mp4 29.39M

| ├──Farmer in the Dell.mp4 26.12M

| ├──Finger Family.mp4 33.41M

| ├──Five Little Ducks.mp4 38.79M

| ├──Five Little Monkeys.mp4 45.85M

| ├──Five Little Speckled Frogs.mp4 42.42M

| ├──Frog Song.mp4 43.14M

| ├──Happy Birthday Song.mp4 32.58M

| ├──Head Shoulders Knees & Toes.mp4 40.22M

| ├──Hello Song.mp4 45.65M

| ├──Itsy Bitsy Spider.mp4 34.03M

| ├──Johny Johny Yes Papa.mp4 53.49M

| ├──London Bridge is Falling Down.mp4 33.60M

| ├──Mary Had a Little Lamb.mp4 40.07M

| ├──Numbers Song.mp4 42.25M

| ├──Peek A Boo Song.mp4 26.50M

| ├──Rain Rain Go Away.mp4 36.94M

| ├──Row Row Row Your Boat.mp4 20.21M

| ├──Shape Song.mp4 61.51M

| ├──Skidamarink.mp4 35.91M

| ├──Skip to My Lou.mp4 29.43M

| ├──Ten in the Bed.mp4 107.55M

| ├──Ten Little Duckies.mp4 37.83M

| ├──The Muffin Man.mp4 35.74M

| ├──This Is the Way.mp4 35.05M

| ├──Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.mp4 42.42M

| ├──Wheels on the Bus.mp4 50.41M

| └──Where Has My Little Dog Gone.mp4 38.31M


| ├──Animal Dance Song.mp4 39.80M

| ├──Ants Go Marching.mp4 50.73M

| ├──Are We There Yet Song.mp4 35.79M

| ├──Balloon Boat Race.mp4 45.75M

| ├──Breakfast Song.mp4 35.53M

| ├──Brush Your Teeth.mp4 22.66M

| ├──Bug Song.mp4 31.64M

| ├──Car Wash Song.mp4 34.74M

| ├──Clean Up Trash Song.mp4 44.43M

| ├──Crocodile Alligator Song.mp4 22.89M

| ├──Dinosaurs Song.mp4 101.79M

| ├──Dinosaurs T-Rex Number Song.mp4 133.02M

| ├──Five Little Dinosaurs.mp4 31.99M

| ├──Fruit Song.mp4 41.56M

| ├──I'm Sorry Excuse Me Song.mp4 56.11M

| ├──Jack and Jill.mp4 22.37M

| ├──Jobs and Career Song.mp4 54.32M

| ├──John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.mp4 26.49M

| ├──Laughing Baby with Family.mp4 30.99M

| ├──Looby Loo.mp4 37.65M

| ├──My Daddy Song.mp4 43.33M

| ├──My Mommy Song.mp4 42.52M

| ├──My Name Song.mp4 52.86M

| ├──Opposites Song.mp4 45.25M

| ├──Pat A Cake.mp4 20.00M

| ├──Planet Song.mp4 69.27M

| ├──Pop Goes the Weasel.mp4 17.25M

| ├──Potty Training Song.mp4 43.82M

| ├──Sharing Song.mp4 49.47M

| ├──Sick Song.mp4 33.16M

| ├──Sports Ball Song.mp4 34.20M

| ├──Swimming Song.mp4 39.06M

| ├──Take Me Out to the Ball Game.mp4 41.18M

| ├──Thank You Song.mp4 44.83M

| ├──The Ant and the Grasshopper.mp4 38.62M

| ├──The Bird Song.mp4 42.98M

| ├──The Boo Boo Song.mp4 51.08M

| ├──The Duck Hide and Seek Song.mp4 78.22M

| ├──The Hiccup Song.mp4 61.53M

| ├──The Lunch Song.mp4 45.90M

| ├──The More We Get Together.mp4 41.87M

| ├──The Soccer Song.mp4 41.95M

| ├──The Socks Song.mp4 82.56M

| ├──The Stretching and Exercise Song.mp4 39.31M

| ├──The Teacher Song.mp4 44.92M

| ├──Vegetables Song.mp4 38.77M

| ├──Winter Song.mp4 39.60M

| ├──Yes Yes Bedtime Song.mp4 53.92M

| └──Yes Yes Save the Earth Song.mp4 57.09M


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