【资料名称】: 【2下载币】学而思 AE英语网络课暑假期期直播课程班视频课程班视频「level8上」双优英语网络课...
xiaoxueyingyu SOUKE8128
学而思 AE英语暑期直播班(level8上)双优英语(中教+外教)
├──Unit 1 The French test
| ├──Level 8-U1-外教课-1.mp4 119.12M
| ├──Level 8-U1-外教课-2.mp4 105.19M
| └──Unit 1 The French test.mp4 337.54M
├──Unit 2 Full of mistakes
| ├──Level 8-U2-外教课-1.mp4 118.13M
| ├──Level 8-U2-外教课-2.mp4 107.60M
| └──Unit 2 Full of mistakes.mp4 344.36M
├──Unit 3 It's too small
| ├──Level 8-U3-外教课-1.mp4 106.37M
| ├──Level 8-U3-外教课-2.mp4 114.57M
| └──Unit 3 It's too small.mp4 331.06M
├──Unit 4 A good idea
| ├──01.mp4 339.25M
| ├──第四课外教1.mp4 248.32M
| └──第四课外教2.mp4 238.52M
├──Unit 5 The most expensive model
| ├──Unit 5 The most expensive model.mp4 311.77M
| ├──第五课外教1.mp4 246.06M
| └──外教课02.mp4 261.21M
| ├──新概念L8(unit1-5)
| ├──AE英语L8单词手册.pdf 8.52M
| ├──AE英语L8绘本册.pdf 99.74M
| ├──AE英语L8阶段测试卷.pdf 69.27M
| ├──AE英语L8练习册.pdf 376.17M
| └──Amazing English L8(1-5)直播讲义.pdf 310.34M