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大学英文写作「二」 国防科学技术大学









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2021-5-8 17:59:51 |
【资料名称】:【2下载币】大学英文写作「二」 国防科学技术大学

nonglindili SOUKE1375


Course Syllabus (教学安排)

Week 1 (Unit 10): An Overview of Writing Strategies

Course Introduction

  • What is academic writing?

  • Why academic writing for Chinese students?

  • What is special about this course?

Unit 10: An Overview of Writing Patterns

  • Organizational patterns

  • Selection of patterns

  • Avoiding constant shifts in person

Week 2 (Unit 11): Description

Unit 11: Description

  • Description of a person/place/object/scene

  • A controlling Idea or impression

  • Selection of details

  • Logic and coherence

  • Subjective and objective description

Week 3 (Units 12-13): Narration

Unit 12: Narration

  • Elements of a narrative

  • Writing to narrate

  • Narrative analysis

  • Narrative as proof

Week 4 (Unit 13): Process Description

Unit 13: Process

  • Introduction to processes

  • Elements of a process

  • Time and importance

  • Key details in writing processes

Week 5 (Unit 14): Comparison

Unit 14: Comparison and Contrast

  • Elements of comparison and contrast

  • Similarities and differences

  • Key details

  • Methods of comparison and contrast

  • Analogy

Week6 (Unit 15): Causality

Unit 15: Cause and Effect

  • Elements of cause and effect

  • Causes, effects, and time

  • Causal relationships

  • Writing essays of cause and effect


(from Week7 to Week 11)

Week 7 (Unit 16): Exemplification

Unit 16: Examples

  • Elements of examples

  • Types of examples

  • Extended examples

  • Related examples

  • Essay development with examples

Week 8 (Unit 17): Definition

Unit 17: Definition

  • Elements of definition

  • Types of definition

  • Basic techniques of defining

  • Paragraphs developed by definition

  • The definition essay structure

  • Common errors

Week 9 (Unit 18): Categorization

Unit 18: Classification and Division

  • Defining classification and division

  • Process of classifying and dividing

  • Common errors in classification and division

  • Sample essay analysis

  • Transitions and signals for classification and division

Week 10 (Unit 19): Introduction to Argumentation

Unit 19: Introduction to Argumentation

  • Understanding argumentation

  • The western rhetoric

  • Argumentative claim and evidence

  • Exploring different viewpoints

Week 11 (Unit 20): Elements of Argument

Unit 20: Elements of Argument

  • Defining argument: A review

  • Essential elements of argument

  • Types of claims

  • Evidence and its functions

  • Appeals to needs and values

  • Warrants

Week 12 (Unit 21): Writing Arguments

Unit 21: Writing Arguments

  • Basics of argumentation

  • Applying the basics

  • Building up logical and effective arguments

  • Revising and checking for fallacies




Approaches to English Vocabulary

  • General Service List (2284 words)

  • Academic Word List (570 words)

How to Write a Standard College Essay

  • What is the traditional essay structure?

  • How to write the 5-paragraph essay? (the key-hole structure)

  • Why learn the 5-paragraph essay structure?

How to WriteAbstracts

  • Questions about abstracts

  • Structure of RA abstracts

  • Writing traditional (one-paragraph) abstracts

  • Writing structured abstracts

How to Preparethe Application Dossier

Writing Application Letters and Résumés

  • Questions about application

  • Writing the cover letter

  • Writing the résumé

Writing an Admission Essay (or Personal Statement)

  • Questions about the admission essay (or PS)

  • Tactics for writing the admission essay (or PS)

  • Analysis of a sample admission essay (or PS)

  • The study/research proposal

本课程配套教材:李慧辉, 刘晶. 大学英文写作.:高等教育出版社,2016年.

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