【资料名称】:【2下载币】ACCA F3 Financial Accounting 基础
weimeitupian SOUKE1182
F3 Financial Accounting 基础ACCA目录:
正式课程-Chapter 6 Inventory Valuation-1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter 6 Inventory Valuation-2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter 7 Accounting for Tangible Non-Current Assets-1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter 7 Accounting for Tangible Non-Current Assets-2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter 7 Accounting for Tangible Non-Current Assets-3.mp4
正式课程-Chapter 7 Accounting for Tangible Non-Current Assets-4.mp4
正式课程-Chapter 7 Accounting for Tangible Non-Current Assets-5.mp4
正式课程-Chapter 7 Accounting for Tangible Non-Current Assets-6.mp4
正式课程-Chapter1 Introduction of Accounting-1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter1 Introduction of Accounting-2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter10 Control Accounts-1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter10 Control Accounts-2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter11 Correction of Errors-1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter11 Correction of Errors-2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter12 Incomplete Records.mp4
正式课程-Chapter13 Company Accounts - 1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter13 Company Accounts - 2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter13 Company Accounts-3.mp4
正式课程-Chapter13 Company Accounts-4.mp4
正式课程-Chapter13 Company Accounts-5.mp4
正式课程-Chapter14 Accounting Standards - 1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter14 Accounting Standards - 2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter14 Accounting Standards -3.mp4
正式课程-Chapter15 Statement of Cash Flows.mp4
正式课程-Chapter16 Consolidated Financial Statements - 1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter16 Consolidated Financial Statements - 2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter16 Consolidated Financial Statements - 3.mp4
正式课程-Chapter16 Consolidated Financial Statements - 4.mp4
正式课程-Chapter17 Interpretation of Financial Statements.mp4
正式课程-Chapter2 The Regulatory and Concept Framework-1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter2 The Regulatory and Concept Framework-2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter3 The Financial Statements-1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter3 The Financial Statements-2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter4 Double-Entry Bookkeeping-1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter4 Double-Entry Bookkeeping-2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter4 Double-Entry Bookkeeping-3.mp4
正式课程-Chapter4 Double-Entry Bookkeeping-4.mp4
正式课程-Chapter4 Double-Entry Bookkeeping-4(换讲师进行补充).mp4
正式课程-Chapter4 Double-Entry Bookkeeping-5.mp4
正式课程-Chapter4 Double-Entry Bookkeeping-6.mp4
正式课程-Chapter5 Sales Tax and Financial Statements-1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter5 Sales Tax and Financial Statements-2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter8 Balance Day Adjustment-1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter8 Balance Day Adjustment-2.mp4
正式课程-Chapter8 Balance Day Adjustment-3.mp4
正式课程-Chapter9 Bank Reconciliation-1.mp4
正式课程-Chapter9 Bank Reconciliation-2.mp4